Acidity Therapy




So macht man es falsch

That´s how it´s wrong!


So ist es richtig

But that´s how it´s right!























Are you acid?

Are you often tired, not sleeping well, edgy, aggressive, nervous, tense, stressed, short-tempered, depressed, unmotivated, listless, constipated?

Then you must get more and better sleep - best before mid-night - and you should recover, relax, regenerate and/or let your soul swing during a holiday.

Are you sensitive to noise, light, coldness, pain, sunburn, heat, fear, agitations, alcohol, liquid accumulation and weight fluctuation? Do your hands, arms or legs often fall asleep?

Do you suffer from excessive discharge like running nose, tearful eyes, sneezing, acne, night sweats, sweaty feet, vaginal secretions, excessive ear wax, infantile eczema , halitosis, formation of mucus in bronchial tubes, diarrhoea, vomiting during pregnancy, nightmares?

Then you should immediately change your nutrition and your way of life. In regards to nutrition, it means more basic food like described in  my German book "Gesundheit aus der Küche der Natur - Basische Kost" (Health from the Natural Kitchen - the Key to Acid-Reducing Foods ).  As to the way of life this means reducing strain, getting more sleep, laughing more, and exercising regularly.

Are you prone to any or all of the following:

Insomnia, chronic fatigue, increased fears, increased tendency to infections, increased physical and emotional sensitiveness, rheumatic symptoms, heartburn, roaming pains, erratic pulse, frigidity, impotence, childlessness, disturbed blood flow (cold hands and feet, restless legs, buzzing in the ears, dizziness, impaired vision, headaches, gum bleeding, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, high blood pressure, hot flashes)?

Do you have detriments of the skin and mucous membranes ( dry lips, eyes, nose, vagina, mouth lacerations, wrinkles, spots, eczemas, itching), of the hair (damage of hair tips, loss of hair, etc.), of the nails (spotted, curved, ingrown, furrowed, arched, fungus), of the muscles, ligaments, sinews, cartilage, joints, bones (pains, deformations, distortions, fissures, worn out), of the nerves (neuralgias, ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance abusing behaviour, unscrupulousness).

These are already warning signals: Stop now or risk getting seriously  ill.

You can start by changing your diet, favoring pH-basic nutrition, and following the advice offered in my German book "Hilf Dir selbst! Teil-Fasten mit Basischer Kost, Entsäuern, Entgiften".

And opt for healthier lifestyle choices such as yoga, food abstinence, massages, spa treatments, well-being seminars, recreation and holidays.  Also, take time to review such factors as the surroundings where you live, your clothing, working /sleeping space, leisure-time activities, medicine consumption, consumption of biologically-treated food, personal relationships and spiritual practices.

An Alphabet Soup - Do you suffer from:

A Allergies, asthma, AIDS, Alzheimer´s disease, arterisoclerosis, apnoe, abcesses
B Bends
C Candida, colitis, high cholesterol, cataracts, cavities, cancer
D Diabetes, dyspnoe
E Embolism, enteritis
F Fat liver, furunculosis, polyartritis
G Gout, glaucoma
H Heart disease, hypochondria
I Insufficiency, infections
I Itching
K Knee arthrosis
L Lymph congestions, fibrous lung
M Migraine, morbus crohn, microangiopathy
N Neurodermatitis, neuropathy, renal/kidney failure
O Osteoporosis, oesophagitis, obesity
P Prostate problems, pancreatitis
R Rheumatism, irritable colon syndrome
S Stroke, spinal arthrosis, stones (gallbladder/ kidney), schizophrenia
T Thrombosis, tinnitus
U Ulcers
V Vascular problems

Although recovery is not always possible, relief can only be realized though the rigorous application of healthy lifestyle practices, especially dietary changes designed to eliminate acids and bring the body to a pH basic state.  For help with this and advice on other paths to good health have a look at my books and look for alternative practitioners.

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